--- - name: FAIL | If config asked is impossible fail: msg=config asked is impossible when: > not ( (mysql_origin == 'default' and mysql_vendor == 'mysql') or (mysql_origin == 'default' and mysql_vendor == 'mariadb' and ansible_distribution_major_version > 7) or (mysql_origin == 'upstream' and mysql_vendor == 'mariadb') or (mysql_origin == 'upstream' and mysql_vendor == 'percona') ) - name: APT_KEY | Install Percona key apt_key: keyserver="keyserver.ubuntu.com" id="1C4CBDCDCD2EFD2A" state=present #apt_key: keyserver="keys.gnupg.net" id="1C4CBDCDCD2EFD2A" state=present #- name: TEMPLATE | Deploy APT pinning (prevent upgrades from Debian) # template: src=etc/apt/preferences.d/95-percona.j2 dest=/etc/apt/preferences.d/95-percona - name: APT_REPOSITORY | Add Percona repository apt_repository: repo='deb {{ percona_repository }} {{ ansible_distribution_release }} main' state=present - name: APT_RESPOSITORY | Add Percona (src) repository apt_repository: repo='deb-src {{ percona_repository }} {{ ansible_distribution_release }} main' state=present - name: INCLUDE | Install MySQL from default repo include: 'install_default_mysql.yml' when: mysql_origin == 'default' and mysql_vendor == 'mysql' - name: INCLUDE | Install MariaDB from Debian repo include: 'install_default_mariadb.yml' when: mysql_origin == 'default' and mysql_vendor == 'mariadb' and ansible_distribution_major_version > 7 - name: INCLUDE | Install MariaDB from MariaDB repo include: 'install_upstream_mariadb.yml' when: mysql_origin == 'upstream' and mysql_vendor == 'mariadb' - name: INCLUDE | Install Percona Server from Percona repo include: 'install_upstream_percona.yml' when: mysql_origin == 'upstream' and mysql_vendor == 'percona' - name: APT | Install few MySQL related tools apt: pkg={{ item }} state=latest with_items: - mytop - percona-toolkit - python-mysqldb - percona-xtrabackup