Drop PHP version support (useless) + fix some bugs

Emilien Mantel 2019-12-29 16:29:18 +01:00
parent 2a612a55b9
commit a9a72dd25f
13 changed files with 40 additions and 105 deletions

View File

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
- PLATFORM='docker-debian-stretch' ANSIBLE_VERSION='ansible>=2.6,<2.7'
- PLATFORM='docker-debian-stretch-sury' ANSIBLE_VERSION='ansible>=2.6,<2.7'
- PLATFORM='docker-debian-buster' ANSIBLE_VERSION='ansible>=2.6,<2.7'
- PLATFORM='docker-debian-stretch' ANSIBLE_VERSION='ansible>=2.7,<2.8'
- PLATFORM='docker-debian-stretch-sury' ANSIBLE_VERSION='ansible>=2.7,<2.8'
- PLATFORM='docker-debian-buster' ANSIBLE_VERSION='ansible>=2.7,<2.8'
- PLATFORM='docker-debian-stretch' ANSIBLE_VERSION='ansible>=2.8,<2.9'
- PLATFORM='docker-debian-buster' ANSIBLE_VERSION='ansible>=2.8,<2.9'
- PLATFORM='docker-debian-stretch' ANSIBLE_VERSION='ansible>=2.9,<2.10'
- PLATFORM='docker-debian-buster' ANSIBLE_VERSION='ansible>=2.9,<2.10'
fast_finish: true

Vagrantfile vendored
View File

@ -6,9 +6,8 @@
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
vms_debian = [
{ :name => "debian-stretch", :box => "debian/stretch64", :vars => { "nginx_php": [{"version": "7.0"}] }},
{ :name => "debian-stretch-sury", :box => "debian/stretch64", :vars => { "nginx_php": [{"version": "7.1"}], "sury": true }},
{ :name => "debian-buster", :box => "debian/buster64", :vars => { "nginx_php": [{"version": "7.3"}] }}
{ :name => "debian-stretch", :box => "debian/stretch64", :vars => {} },
{ :name => "debian-buster", :box => "debian/buster64", :vars => {} }
vms_freebsd = [
@ -17,9 +16,8 @@ Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
conts = [
{ :name => "docker-debian-stretch", :docker => "hanxhx/vagrant-ansible:debian9", :vars => { "nginx_php": [{"version": "7.0"}] }},
{ :name => "docker-debian-stretch-sury", :docker => "hanxhx/vagrant-ansible:debian9", :vars => { "nginx_php": [{"version": "7.1"}], "sury": true }},
{ :name => "docker-debian-buster", :docker => "hanxhx/vagrant-ansible:debian10", :vars => { "nginx_php": [{"version": "7.3"}] }},
{ :name => "docker-debian-stretch", :docker => "hanxhx/vagrant-ansible:debian9", :vars => {} },
{ :name => "docker-debian-buster", :docker => "hanxhx/vagrant-ansible:debian10", :vars => {} },
config.vm.network "private_network", type: "dhcp"

View File

@ -2,8 +2,7 @@ PHP
- `version`: (M) PHP version
- `upstream_name` (O)
- `upstream_name` (M)
- `sockets`: (O) socket list
If `sockets` is not provided, if uses local unix socket (based on PHP version).
@ -16,8 +15,8 @@ Each socket have:
- `host`
- `port`
- `weight`
- `max_fails`
- `fail_timeout`
- `host` (M)
- `port` (M)
- `weight` (O)
- `max_fails` (O)
- `fail_timeout` (O)

View File

@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ Common
- `proto`: (O) list of protocol used. Default is a list with "http". If you need http and https, you must set a list with "http" and "https". You can only set "https" without http support.
- `ssl_name`: (D) name of the key used when using TLS/SSL. Optional when `proto` contains "https". If you don't set this value, it will search by `name`.
- `ssl_template` (O) "strong" (default) or "legacy". You can disable SSL helpers and add your own directives by setting "false".
- `php_version` (O) Sepecify PHP version (5 or 7)
- `http_proxy_protocol_port` (O) Enable proxy protocol on http port.
- `https_proxy_protocol_port` (O) Enable proxy protocol on https port.

View File

@ -1,19 +1,10 @@
def php_default_upstream_socket(php_version):
return '/run/php/php%s-fpm.sock' % php_version
def php_default_upstream_name(php_version):
return 'default_php_%s' % php_version
def php_fpm_service(php_version):
return 'php%s-fpm' % php_version
class FilterModule(object):
''' PHP module '''
def filters(self):
return {
'php_default_upstream_socket': php_default_upstream_socket,
'php_default_upstream_name': php_default_upstream_name,
'php_fpm_service': php_fpm_service,
'php_fpm_package': php_fpm_service

View File

@ -1,34 +1,5 @@
- block:
- name: SET_FACT | temp
tmp_fpm_pool: |
{% for p in ansible_local.hanxhx_php.fpm_pool %}
"upstream_name": "{{ p.name }}",
"sockets": [{
{% if p.listen.startswith('/') %}
"unix": "{{ p.listen }}"
{% else %}
{% set host = p.listen.split(":")[0] %}
{% set port = p.listen.split(":")[1] %}
"host": "{{ host }}",
"port": "{{ port }}"
{% endif %}
}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
- name: SET_FACT | new php
nginx_php: "{{ nginx_php + tmp_fpm_pool }}"
when: ansible_local.hanxhx_php.fpm_pool is defined
- name: TEMPLATE | Deploy PHP upstream to Nginx
src: "etc/nginx/conf.d/php.conf.j2"

View File

@ -3,15 +3,13 @@
{% for php in nginx_php %}
upstream {{ php.upstream_name | default((php.version | php_default_upstream_name)) }} {
upstream {{ php.upstream_name }} {
{% for sock in php.sockets | default([]) %}
{% if sock.host is defined %}
server {{ sock.host }}:{{ sock.port }} weight={{ sock.weight | default('1') }} max_fails={{ sock.max_fails | default('5') }} fail_timeout={{ sock.fail_timeout | default('10s') }};
{% else %}
server unix:{{ sock.unix | default((php.version | php_default_upstream_socket)) }} weight={{ sock.weight | default('1') }};
server unix:{{ sock.unix }} weight={{ sock.weight | default('1') }};
{% endif %}
{% else %}
server unix:{{ php.version | php_default_upstream_socket }} weight=1;
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

View File

@ -1,16 +1,5 @@
{% extends "_base.j2" %}
{% if item.php_version is defined %}
{% set php_info = 'Explicit PHP version on site' %}
{% set php_upstream = (nginx_php|selectattr('version', 'equalto', item.php_version)|first).upstream_name | default(item.php_version | php_default_upstream_name) %}
{% elif item.php_upstream is defined %}
{% set php_info = 'Explicit Nginx/PHP upstream on site' %}
{% set php_upstream = item.php_upstream %}
{% else %}
{% set php_info = 'Warning: using first PHP version on config' %}
{% set php_upstream = nginx_php.0.upstream_name | default(nginx_php.0.version | php_default_upstream_name) %}
{% endif %}
{% block template_index %}
index {{ item.index | default('index.html index.htm index.php') }};
{% endblock %}
@ -21,8 +10,7 @@
{% block template_upstream_location %}
location ~ \.php$ {
# {{ php_info }}
fastcgi_pass {{ php_upstream }};
fastcgi_pass {{ item.php_upstream }};
fastcgi_index index.php;
{% if item.upstream_params is defined and item.upstream_params is iterable %}
{% for param in item.upstream_params %}

View File

@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
{% block template_upstream_location %}
location = /index.php {
# {{ php_info }}
fastcgi_pass {{ php_upstream }};
fastcgi_pass {{ item.php_upstream }};
fastcgi_index index.php;
{% if item.upstream_params is defined and item.upstream_params is iterable %}
{% for param in item.upstream_params %}

View File

@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
{% block template_upstream_location %}
location = /index.php {
# {{ php_info }}
fastcgi_pass {{ php_upstream }};
fastcgi_pass {{ item.php_upstream }};
fastcgi_index index.php;
{% if item.upstream_params is defined and item.upstream_params is iterable %}
{% for param in item.upstream_params %}

View File

@ -10,8 +10,7 @@
location ~ ^/index\.php(/|$) {
# {{ php_info }}
fastcgi_pass {{ php_upstream }};
fastcgi_pass {{ item.php_upstream }};
fastcgi_index index.php;
{% if item.upstream_params is defined and item.upstream_params is iterable %}
{% for param in item.upstream_params %}

View File

@ -6,24 +6,6 @@
state: present
when: nginx_backports
- block:
- name: APT | Install apt-transport-https
pkg: apt-transport-https
update_cache: yes
cache_valid_time: 3600
- name: APT_KEY | Install GPG key
url: 'https://packages.sury.org/php/apt.gpg'
- name: APT_REPOSITORY | Add APT repository
repo: 'deb https://packages.sury.org/php {{ ansible_distribution_release }} main'
when: sury | default(false)
- name: APT | Install needed packages
pkg: "{{ packages }}"
@ -44,12 +26,19 @@
- name: APT | Install PHP
pkg: "{{ item.version | php_fpm_package }}"
pkg: "{{ pkgs }}"
update_cache: yes
cache_valid_time: 3600
state: present
loop: "{{ nginx_php }}"
register: apt_php
- php-cli
- php-fpm
- name: SHELL | Get current PHP version
shell: php --version | awk '/^PHP/ { print $2 }' | grep -o -E '^.{3}'
changed_when: false
register: cur_php_version
- name: SERVICE | Force start fcgiwrap
@ -58,11 +47,10 @@
# Bypasses Ansible+Docker issue. With service module... php is not really started!
- name: COMMAND | Force start PHP
command: "service {{ item.version | php_fpm_service }} start"
command: "service php{{ cur_php_version.stdout }}-fpm start"
creates: "{{ item.version | php_default_upstream_socket }}"
creates: "/run/php/php{{ cur_php_version.stdout }}-fpm.pid"
warn: false
loop: "{{ nginx_php }}"
- name: GET_URL | Download ngrok
@ -88,7 +76,7 @@
name: "{{ playbook_dir }}/HanXHX.php"
php_version: "{{ nginx_php.0.version }}"
php_version: "{{ cur_php_version.stdout }}"
php_autoremove_default_pool: false
- name: 'hx_unix'

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
- hosts: all
- name: INCLUDE_TASKS | Pre_tasks related to OS version
include_tasks: "includes/pre_{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml"
@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
src: "file/test.key"
dest: "{{ int_ansible_ssl_dir }}/test.key"
- debug: var=nginx_sites
- name: COPY | Add all hosts in /etc/hosts
content: |
@ -203,7 +205,7 @@
- '/'
- '/a'
- name: 'test-php.local'
php_version: "{{ nginx_php.1.version if nginx_php.1 is defined else nginx_php.0.version }}"
php_upstream: "manual"
- 'fastcgi_param FOO bar;'
@ -274,6 +276,9 @@
ssl_name: '{{ ngrok.stdout }}'
'X-acme': '1'
#nginx_php: "{{ __nginx_php + [{'upstream_name': 'manual', 'sockets': [{'host': '', 'port': '9636' }] }] }}"
nginx_php: "{{ [{'upstream_name': 'manual', 'sockets': [{'host': '', 'port': '9636' }] }] }}"
nginx_dh_length: 1024
- ../../
@ -374,7 +379,7 @@
when: >
item.template is defined and
(item.template == '_php' or item.template == '_php_index' or item.template == '_php_index2')
failed_when: p.content.find('PHP Version ' + item.php_version if 'php_version' in item else nginx_php.0.version) == -1
failed_when: p.content.find('PHP Version') == -1
- name: -- VERIFY INDEX2 --