Auth Basic management ===================== Description ----------- Auth basic is managed in a separate list. Each auth file can be shared between locations or vhosts. Each htpasswd has few keys: - `name`: (M) used to create file and as pointee - `description`: (M) Used for the message box :) - `users`: each users is composed with 3 keys: `name` (M), `password` (M) and `state` present/absent (default: present) - `state`: (O) present or absent. Default: present `nginx_htpasswd` should be placed in a vaut file. Example ------- ``` nginx_vhosts: # htpasswd on all vhost - name: test.local htpasswd: 'hello' template: '_base' # htpasswd only in /hello - name: test-location.local template: '_base' location: '/hello': - htpasswd: 'hello' nginx_htpasswd: - name: 'hello' description: 'Please login!' users: - name: 'bob' password: 'my_pass' ```