--- - name: APT | Install PHP packages apt: pkg={{ item }} state=latest update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=3600 with_flattened: - php_packages - php_extra_packages - name: COMMAND | Get PHP extension dir command: php-config --extension-dir changed_when: false register: php_extension_dir - name: INCLUDE | PHP-FPM include: fpm.yml when: php_install_fpm - name: INCLUDE | Xdebug include: xdebug.yml when: php_install_xdebug - name: SHELL | Get PHP version on apt shell: LANG=C apt-cache policy php5 2>&1 | awk '/Candidate:/ { print $2 }' register: php_apt_version changed_when: false - name: APT | Install and configure php-apcu / opcache (PHP 5.5+ only) include: php55min.yml when: php_apt_version.stdout|version_compare('5.5', 'ge', False) - name: APT | Install and configure php-apc (PHP 5.4 max only) include: php54max.yml when: php_apt_version.stdout|version_compare('5.5', 'lt', False)