Ansible PHP (+FPM) role for Debian ================================== [![Build Status](]( Install PHP (php-fpm optional) on Debian Wheezy/Jessie. Depending of your PHP version: manage APC(u) / Opcache. Requirements ------------ If you need PHP-FPM, you must install a webserver with FastCGI support. You can use my [nginx role]( On Debian Wheezy, you can use many PHP version: 5.4 from Debian repository and 5.5/5.6 from [Dotdeb]( With my [dotdeb role](, you can choose which version you want. Role Variables -------------- You should look at [default vars](defaults/main.yml). ### Writable vars - `php_install_fpm`: boolean, install and manage php-fpm (default is true) - `php_extra_packages`: additional php packages to install (default is an empty list). - `php_ini`: manage php.ini (php-fpm), as key/value. #### OpCache settings (PHP >= 5.5) See [Opcache doc]( - `php_opcache_enable` - `php_opcache_enable_cli` - `php_opcache_memory_consumption` - `php_opcache_interned_strings_buffer` - `php_opcache_max_accelerated_files` - `php_opcache_max_wasted_percentage` - `php_opcache_validate_timestamps` - `php_opcache_revalidate_freq` - `php_opcache_max_file_size` #### APC/APCu settings See [apc doc]( - `php_apc_enable` - `php_apc_enable_cli` - `php_apc_shm_size` - `php_apc_num_files_hint` - `php_apc_user_entries_hint` - `php_apc_user_ttl` - `php_apc_ttl` - `php_apc_file_update_protection` - `php_apc_slam_defense` - `php_apc_stat_ctime` ### Read only vars - `php_packages`: minimal package list to install Dependencies ------------ None. Example Playbook ---------------- ### Simple Playbook - hosts: servers roles: - { role: HanXHX.php } ### Debian Wheezy with PHP 5.5 - hosts: wheezy-servers roles: - { role: HanXHX.dotdeb, dotdeb_php_version: "5.5" } - { role: HanXHX.php } License ------- GPLv2 Author Information ------------------ - You can find many other roles in my GitHub "lab": - All issues, pull-request are welcome :)