--- - name: INCLUDE_VARS | Related to OS include_vars: "{{ ansible_distribution }}-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.yml" - name: ASSERT | Check variables assert: that: "php_version in php_managed_versions" - name: INCLUDE_VARS | Related to PHP version include_vars: "php-{{ php_version }}.yml" - name: APT | Update cache apt: update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=3600 changed_when: false - name: APT | Install PHP packages apt: pkg={{ item }} state=present with_flattened: - "{{ php_packages }}" - "{{ php_extra_packages }}" notify: restart php-fpm - name: INCLUDE | PHP-FPM include: fpm.yml when: php_install_fpm - name: LINEINFILE | PHP configuration lineinfile: dest: '{{ php_etc_dir }}/cli/php.ini' regexp: '^;?{{ item.key }}' line: '{{ item.key }} = {{ item.value }}' with_dict: "{{ php_ini_cli }}" - name: INCLUDE | Xdebug include: xdebug.yml - name: APT | Install and configure opcache include: opcache.yml